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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - shuffle


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Перевод с английского языка shuffle на русский

1. шарканье 2. шаркающая походка 3. ерзанье 4. карт. тасование 5. карт. сдача, очередь сдавать 6. перебирание, перетасовка after a hasty shuffle through one's papers —- быстро перебрав свои бумаги 7. отговорка, увертка 8. шаффл (народный танец с шаркающими па, исполняемый под волынку) 9. шаркать; волочить ноги to shuffle into the room —- прошаркать в комнату the old man shuffled feebly along —- старик еле волочил ноги 10. скользить (в танце) to shuffle a saraband —- скользить в сарабанде 11. обманывать, хитрить don't shuffle! —- не хитри!, говори прямо! 12. протащить, ввезти контрабандой 13. тасовать (карты) to shuffle the cards —- образ. менять тактику 14. перетасовывать, перестраивать to shuffle funds among various accounts —- перебрасывать средства с одного счета на другой to shuffle (up) a draft treaty —- перестроить проект договора 15. перемешивать he pulled the drawer open and shuffled among his belongings —- он выдвинул ящик и стал рыться в своих вещах 16. (out of) выбрасывать he shuffled the whole matter out of his mind —- он выкинул все это дело из головы 17. выбираться he shuffled out of the difficulty somehow —- он как-то выпутался из затруднительного положения 18. (обыкн. through) делать (что-либо) наскоро, кое-как to shuffle through one's work —- быстро расправиться с заданием 19. ерзать, вертеться на месте
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) шарканье  2) тасование (карт)  3) трюк, увертка  4) перемещение - shuffle of the Cabinet  2. v.  1) волочить (ноги); шаркать (ногами)  2) ерзать  3) тасовать (карты)  4) перемешивать; перемещать  5) колебаться, вилять, изворачиваться, хитрить - shuffle off - shuffle on - shuffle out SHUFFLE out  а) стаскивать, стягивать (одежду) With his wounded arm bound up, he had to shuffle out of his coat as best he could.  б) шаркая, волоча ноги выйти (из комнаты и т.п.) The old man shuffled out of the room, complaining about the way he had been treated.  в) coll. выпутываться, выбираться (из трудного положения), изворачиваться Hes always been able to shuffle out of any difficulty. SHUFFLE on накинуть (одежду) SHUFFLE off  а) сбросить (одежду, кожу); Every spring the snake shuffles off its old skin.  б) свалить (ответственность); He was glad to shuffle off the load of responsibility onto a younger man.  в) брести, плестись The old man shuffled off in his worn shoes. SHUFFLE of the Cabinet перераспределение портфелей внутри кабинета министров ...
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  поворачивать яйца в гнезде ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  тасование карт, перетасовка - perfect shuffle - shuffle permutation - shuffle relation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  употребляется в сочетаниях - exon shuffle ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. move with a scraping, sliding, or dragging motion (shuffles along; shuffling his feet). 2 tr. a (also absol.) rearrange (a pack of cards) by sliding them over each other quickly. b rearrange; intermingle; confuse (shuffled the documents). 3 tr. (usu. foll. by on, off, into) assume or remove (clothes, a burden, etc.) esp. clumsily or evasively (shuffled on his clothes; shuffled off responsibility). 4 intr. a equivocate; prevaricate. b continually shift one's position; fidget. 5 intr. (foll. by out of) escape evasively (shuffled out of the blame). --n. 1 a shuffling movement. 2 the act or an instance of shuffling cards. 3 a general change of relative positions. 4 a piece of equivocation; sharp practice. 5 a quick scraping movement of the feet in dancing (see also double shuffle). Phrases and idioms shuffle-board = SHOVELBOARD. shuffle the cards change policy etc. Derivatives shuffler n. Etymology: perh. f. LG schuffeln walk clumsily f. Gmc: cf. SHOVE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; shuffling)  Etymology: perhaps irregular from 1shove  Date: 1570  transitive verb  1. to mix in a mass confusedly ; jumble  2. to put or thrust aside or under cover ~d the whole matter out of his mind  3.  a. to rearrange (as playing cards, dominoes, or tiles) to produce a random order  b. to move about, back and forth, or from one place to another ; shift ~ funds among various accounts  4.  a. to move (as the feet) by sliding along or back and forth without lifting  b. to perform (as a dance) with a dragging, sliding step  intransitive verb  1. to work into or out of trickily ~d out of the difficulty  2. to act or speak in a shifty or evasive manner  3.  a. to move or walk in a sliding dragging manner without lifting the feet  b. to dance in a lazy nonchalant manner with sliding and tapping motions of the feet  c. to execute in a perfunctory or clumsy manner  4. to mix playing cards or counters by shuffling  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 1628  1. an evasion of the issue ; equivocation  2.  a. an act of shuffling (as of cards)  b. a right or turn to ~ it's your ~  c. a confusing jumble (as of papers or events) lost in the ~  3.  a. a dragging sliding movement; specifically a sliding or scraping step in dancing  b. a dance characterized by such a step  c.  (1) a rhythm where each beat of the measure is played as a triplet with the first and second parts of the triplet tied and the third part accented  (2) music played in a ~ rhythm ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (shuffles, shuffling, shuffled) 1. If you shuffle somewhere, you walk there without lifting your feet properly off the ground. Moira shuffled across the kitchen... VERB: V prep/adv • Shuffle is also a noun. She noticed her own proud walk had become a shuffle. N-SING 2. If you shuffle around, you move your feet about while standing or you move your bottom about while sitting, often because you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. He shuffles around in his chair... He grinned and shuffled his feet. VERB: V prep/adv, V n 3. If you shuffle playing cards, you mix them up before you begin a game. There are various ways of shuffling and dealing the cards. VERB: V n 4. If you shuffle things such as pieces of paper, you move them around so that they are in a different order. The silence lengthened as Thorne unnecessarily shuffled some papers. VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to walk very slowly and noisily, without lifting your feet off the ground + along/towards/down etc  (The old man shuffled along the sidewalk. | The class came shuffling in from the playground.) 2 to move something such as papers into a different order or into different positions  (Jack sat nervously shuffling the papers around on his desk.) 3 to mix playing cards around into a different order before playing a game with them  (Is it my turn to shuffle?) 4 shuffle your feet to move your feet slightly, especially because you are bored or embarrassed  (Malcolm shuffled his feet and apologized again.) - shuffler n  (- see also reshuffle1) ~2 n 1 a slow walk in which you do not lift your feet off the ground 2 the act of mixing cards into a different order before playing a game ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1532, probably from M.E. shovelen "to move with dragging feet," probably a frequentive form of shoven (see shove). Of playing cards, first recorded 1570. Shuffleboard was originally shovel-board (1532), an unexplained alteration of shove-board. Originally a tabletop game (1603), the large-scale version (1877) was originally played on ocean liners. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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